Celebration Service for Pastor Robyn Cinc
Bridge City Church invites you to a special Celebration Service to honour Pastor Robyn Cinc’s faithful service in leading the church.
After the service, there will be a lunch to continue with the celebrations. Members of Bridge City Church are asked to bring a plate of food to share.
Induction Service for Paul and Barb Ireland
Paul and Barb Ireland will be inducted as the senior pastor and leaders of Bridge City Church, Murray Bridge.
Visiting ministers Pastor Keith and Wendy Fiebig will conduct the induction.
This will be part of our Sunday 10am service, cafe open after.
Bridge City Women
Join the women of Bridge City Church for a coffee morning at Fasta Pasta Murray Bridge.
For details contact Barb Ireland: ireland@bridgecitychurch.com.au
Men's Breakfast
Men’s breakfast at bridge city church
Join us for our free Men’s Breakfast event.
This is an opportunity for the men of the church and community to come together over breakfast and share their faith story or ministry.
Good Friday Service
Join us for our Good Friday service. We start our services with some worship for about 30mins and then we have someone deliver a message for about 45mins. We would love it if you could join us. After the service we head over to our function hall for coffee and a chat.
Men's Breakfast
Join us for our free Men’s Breakfast ministry.
Free brekfast, good company with a guest speaker.
Head to the page here. for more information
Sunday Service
Join with us for our Sunday morning service.
Commencing 10am, followed by tea & coffee after the service.